Swimming Upstream

Ahh, we push and force to get what we want. The harder we try, the greater will be the rewards, right? Wrong. Being the best person we can be, then allowing the universe to unfold works better. Anxiety = forcing our will. A flower doesn’t have to force itself to bloom; a tree to grow. Lets take a lesson from nature and trust that harmony is inherent in life. Vedic science says ” do less and accomplish more.” Multitasking doesn’t accomplish more as much as it creates a state of excess activity and decrease of focus and ease. Pushing feels like we are accomplishing, but acceptance demonstrates trust. When we are motivated by love and good intention, the right result will occur. Is it the one we wanted or planned? Maybe not. But why struggle against the universe? How many times have we had a plan that didn’t follow our idea, but resulted in something even better? This happens time and time again. Not that we can’t wish for things to be better in the future, and take steps for our personal betterment, but we can accept this moment as it is. Take the lesson presented and continue on our path. Accept things as they are in this moment.

About ellengrif

I am a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, and a Certified Meditation Instructor for the Chopra Center
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1 Response to Swimming Upstream

  1. Sacred 7 says:

    I think I should wake up and read this everyday! You are correct but I always seem to get caught up in the pushing and forcing! Thank you for the reminder!

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